
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton2/04/2009 8:54:39 am PST

re: #1068 jwb7605

I send out an average of 3 a day.
I’ve actually had about 10 phone calls from recruiters since Christmas, but it doesn’t look like anything is panning out.

The worse the economy gets, the more competition there seems to be, and the cheaper anybody is willing to work for.

I’d be quite happy with anything over 50K, at this point.
If you want to see my resume, click my nic, and follow the links.

I’m really good, but unlike Sally Fields, they really hate me out there.
I feel more like Rodney Dangerfield most days.

re: #1066 avanti

He must think the election is closer and needs to instill the built-in fear of a weak left by the right. I personally blame Cheney for many of the failures of the Bush administration Now, he seems to be trying to fire up what’s left of his neo-cons.

Since I can live on 18 thou a year, I have a lot of wiggle room, and it’s still not helping.

My areas of expertise is Oracle programmer (Forms, Reports, PL/SQL - NOT A DBA or Oracle off the shelf product expert. although I am aware of the structure of their 10g products database), Access and Visual FoxPro (Fox pro is a dbase language platform which I have been working with since 1981).