
Hitchens: Cynicism by the Book

CuriousLurker4/04/2011 5:57:14 pm PDT

re: #78 thatthatisis

No, it’s not just that Karzai is an ass. He didn’t just blunder into giving a speech all about the burning of the Koran, which is how he got the info out.

We won’t understand that area of the world unless we are always trying to figure out what people’s real agendas are, and what’s in it for them. I was asking who stood to gain by getting this information out. You folks didn’t think that was an interesting question. Turns out, it was.

That whole part of the world isn’t just about religion, and who’s a Muslim and who isn’t. It’s about power, and who’s got it. So we have to look at the agendas, not just at the dogma.

re: #89 thatthatisis

You might be right. But I’m afraid what he’s up to has to do with the draw down of troops we’re scheduled to begin this coming August. Karzai might be trying to stir things up, keep the area riled up. This might make it too difficult for us to reduce our troops levels.

Here’s the thing: NOW you’re elaborating on why you asked the question the other night and saying what you think may be happening, which makes the question much more interesting in retrospect.

IIRC, I was one of the people that answered you on Friday, and I said something to the effect that they most likely found out via the internet as the shit-stirrers usually have access (that the common man in the street probably wouldn’t). If I’d known you were thinking all of the above, I (and others) probably would have commented on it a lot more.

When the comments are flying fast & furious it’s easy to be overlooked, especially if we have to try to figure out your reason for asking. You’re clearly intelligent & paying attention to all the angles, so jump in with more force next time. It’s just a blog—the worst thing that can happen is that someone gets snarky with you, at which point you can either choose to ignore them or start throwing down, flying scales be damned. ;o)