
MonoNeon: "One in a Billion"

Jay C10/03/2022 2:10:17 pm PDT

re: #7 The Pie Overlord!


I was going to say “why is he wasting his money?”, but since TFG never pays his lawyers, usually, I guess they might as well toss another useless* suit into the Inbox….

*IANAL, but this sounds like the typical Trumpian BS (surprise!) - make a BFD announcement about some dire-sounding lawsuit, which would take years to wend its way through the courts - if they would even accept it - but in the meanwhile, grift the rubes for a “legal defense fund”…

[ADD] (see IANAL disclaimer above): it’s my understanding that (for good or ill), US law sets the bar for “defamation” of “public figures” absurdly high - WAY higher, IMO, that The Orange Anus would ever be able to detail, even if this suit was anything other than a grift. Education on the matter will be appreciated.