
The Proudly Ignorant Party

McSpiff4/07/2010 2:42:49 pm PDT

re: #258 cgn38navy

re: #224 LudwigVanQuixote

sideways? gosh, you are tough. Perhaps you should get some air before you get the vapors. and I Betcha wouldn’t say that to my face, tough guy.

In answer to everyone else: Virginia is on the forefront of race relations as well as everthing else. Our black schools, community leaders, and politicians are among the best this country has to offer. Yes the civil war divided the country, but it also divided Virginia. Your simplistic jumping on the band wagon of label things RACIST shows your political bent, not real insight into racism.

No, I don’t tend to hang around those who pine for failed states and lost wars. But seriously, threaten me over the internet, that’s new and exciting.

Virgina is an amazing state, probably one of my favorite by far. Its just too bad its got its dinosaurs like you and the governor.