
BBC 'This World': Geert Wilders, Europe's Most Dangerous Man

Bob Levin2/16/2011 6:48:06 pm PST

re: #10 researchok

re: #9 Dark_Falcon

It’s the Beeb. Yes DF, it’s the Beeb. That’s what I’m talking about. I wish this was a productive film to make life easier for Europe’s Muslims and Jews, but it’s not. Those Beeb bastards fanned the flames of any antagonism Muslims and Jews might have.

I watch the Beebs documentaries about WWII, where the British forces had it all under control with just the tiniest help from the bumbling Americans. You know, it was Bletchley Park that broke the Enigma Code, that was it. It’s all right there. They outsmarted everyone. Can’t beat them Brits.

From a film making point of view, you can either A) try to alleviate European hostilities towards Muslims or B) make a documentary about Wilders. You can’t do both. So lets say we want to make film A. Fine. You take that first encounter between the truck driver and the kids, and then explore that as completely as possible. That’s all. Ask them difficult questions, talk to their families, end up having them talk to one and other. It’s boring, but fighting racism is boring. You have to talk to people—quietly.

Let’s say we make film B. Fine. Then follow him around with a tape recorder. Ask people how they feel after listening to him. Get some counter opinions. But you do not need the (fanfare) ****Insight**** that he’s really an Israeli spy. C’mon. Harry Potter is more credible.

Well if you make film A and then film B, you’re probably going to want to make film C, about the profound difficulties human beings have with introspection, taking responsibility for their lives. This is the Jewish concept of hell, where you have to take responsibility, you can’t blame anyone, and you can’t BS your way out of it. For me, this is what religion is about, how to be introspective. Introspection, not tolerance, introspection is the remedy for racism. Dali Lama, introspective. Pam Geller, not so much. You will find one common denominator among all religious nutters and political nutters—they can’t be introspective. You think Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh can be introspective? Their respective lives have depended on them developing this skill, and they still can’t do it, or won’t do it.

I’ve never met Pam Geller, but…I’m willing to bet that the qualities she most dislikes about Muslims, or that she is warning us about (according to Pam)—she possesses those qualities herself. Check it out. You will see the mirror. But she doesn’t see the mirror.

Do you remember why Rush got tossed off of ESPN? He criticized Donovan McNabb as an overrated Black quarterback. Dig. According to Rush: McNabb isn’t as competent as others say he is. Doesn’t have the skills he thinks he has, and doesn’t deserve the respect that people give him. Ah. Hey Rush, does that sound like anyone else you can think of?

If you play find the mirror long enough, you will understand everything there is to know about racism and how to eliminate it.

This Beeb film is so far off the mark that it just makes matters worse. Look how well we’re all getting along.