
Overnight Open Thread

Dark_Falcon1/20/2010 12:14:50 am PST

I’m quite tired and need to go to bed but let me leave for the night with this parting thought:

The gOP has won tonight, but it must now figure out how to use that gain. The Tea PArty folks will claim credit, but saner people need to remind them of Mago Barca’s words to his brother Hannibal: “You know how to win victories, but not how to use them.”

(Though perhaps Mago could be met with the retort that you first have to win in the first place. In 203 BC he lead a Carthaginian army into Italy to reinforce Hannibal. The Romans stopped him at the Po River and in the resulting battle the Roman flanking infantry held back Mago’s elephants and cavalry while the Roman center chopped its way through Nago’s Gauls, Ligurians, and Africans. Though Mago and his army survived the repulse, Mago was wounded and died on the voyage back to Africa. Cato should feel free to correct and add to this story as he sees fit.)