
Overnight Open Thread

theheat11/17/2010 3:53:41 am PST

re: #92 mdey

Yet, she came home and learned that org was a sponsor of the parade.

Beck’s a world class POS that stokes the flames of people’s fears and prejudices. Every day, it seems I run into someone who can’t wait to share the most recent “fact” they’ve picked up from watching Fox News, as though they’re sharing classified information only known to other Fox News viewers. Presumably, the rest of us are walking in a daze, unaware of the perils posed by the likes of Soros, Obama, Muslims, feminists, and assorted ne’er do wells, so they’re eager to enlighten us. However, their fact checking ends at their television’s remote control, and they remain content to feed at that fever swamp, with the occasional mad dash to World Net Daily when they can no longer internalize their hate, fear, and loathing of anyone not them.

It is probably more frightening than illuminating, if and when they ever figure out people who aren’t them share many of the same passions and concerns, and this includes supporting those who serve in the military with more than lip service like randomly tagging “God bless the troops!” to the ends of statements, like periods.

The best way to counter the Fox News mentality is for groups, particularly the Democrats, and, to mobilize and show their support for common causes. In the past, the Democrats have been their own worst enemy, because they choose to remain silent about the causes and ideals that bind people together. Also, they haven’t framed their message in crayon, as Fox News has.

Fox panders to the lowest common denominator, and has effected a movement of fearful, raging, idiots that aren’t encumbered by critical thinking. As a fellow atheist, I agree I wish there was a special hell for Fox, and people like Beck, because their contempt for facts and love for hysteria have stifled rational thinking, and quite intentionally detached their base from reality.

In related news, I’m stoked for my first meeting with my local chapter’s Democrats next month. “Hi, my name is theheat, and I’m a recovering Republican.”