
Overnight Open Thread

realwest2/20/2009 8:38:56 am PST

re: #974 lawhawk
Yeah, but taxpayers aren’t totally stupid. They see Obama saying $275 BILLION for mortgage relief, realize that the relief isn’t for them and that, indeed, their INCOME taxes are going to pay the mortgage and property taxes of someone else, WHILE THEY STILL HAVE TO PAY THEIR OWN mortage and property taxes and I smell a taxpayer revolution coming. The overall “Stimulus Bill” got a lot of Americans upset at the cost to their children and grandchildren*, but this mortgage bill is gonna come out of THEIR pockets NOW.
* which is why the “Stimulus Bill” is owned entirely by the DEMOCRAT PARTY and we ought not let the voters forget that; written by Pelosi, rammed through congress before ANY member (maybe including Pelosi) actually READ the damn thing, Obama out on the trail campaigning for it’s passage before it’s too late and then he takes a three day weekend off before signing it? WTF? Voters really aren’t STUPID - although sometimes they vote that way, but Obamas’ Hope and Change is already bringing around some buyer’s remorse and this mortgage bit, where you and I pay other people’s mortgage debts for houses you and I couldn’t afford to buy in the first place, is gonna be a stake in the heart of Obama’s administration.
Oh and BTW, if you don’t already, you should get the Rasmussen daily polling information - it comes once a day and it’s free to get. Obama’s personal favorability rating has dropped something like 4 points since he announced that mortgage relief act what a day ago? When more voters understand what’s involved with it, I predict it’ll drop another 20 points. By the middle of March, at the latest.