
The Unveiling of Ardipithecus

111 11:03:39 am PDT

re: #99 Summer

I have to wonder how many of the right-wing blogs that are ripping up on Charles are Creationist blogs? It just blows me away that it seems so incredibly entrenched in our society at this point. Was it really most of the Republican party? I mean, outside of evangelical circles, was it that much part of the mainstream?

I’ve been amazed, as well. Truly. I have to wonder if people just don’t know what it is they are signing onto with the “creationist” stuff.

In Louisiana, the 2008 regular session of the legislature passed, and the Governor signed, the “Louisiana Science Education” bill. Sounds nice. Except it provides that teachers may use supplemental materials to “critique” scientific theories.

There are a number of sponsors on the bill; this may not be true everywhere, but I checked these folks out, and they are about half and half Rep and Dem. This thing went through with very little notice in the local media.