
Overnight Open Thread

Gus12/19/2009 2:22:08 am PST

re: #108 iceweasel

The horrific state of the rightwing blogosphere (and the right in general) becomes apparent when we realise that a) Ed used to be one of the intelligent people in the rightwing blogosphere (which says very little about him, and much about the sad state of the RW blogosphere) and b) Jonah Goldberg is considered a leading intellectual.

Dumb people indeed.
Ed’s been whoring himself to the HA commentariat ever since he got that gig.

Back when he was Captain Ed? Yeah, minimal. That was when he had the 9/12 conservatives backing him. One of the things I realized fast was that even though we were united on a war we had nothing else in common. That was the thing and I’ll repeat it. We were bonded with the war but in every other ideological front it was like oil and water. The only bond we had was Iraq and Afghanistan. Other than that they were still a bunch of backwater socially regressive charecatures of Archie Bunker if not worse.