
Our Friends the Saudis

astronmr203/23/2009 6:22:25 pm PDT

re: #107 Naso Tang

Another story of a long long time ago, we lived in Saudi and had a maid from Sri Lanka. Her husband had a different job on the other side of the country and when we visited there we took her along so she could visit her husband for a bit, who she hadn’t seen in two years.

They both ended up being arrested for walking together in the street and even though they had papers showing they were married, that was not accepted. I called “my” Saudi who, reluctantly, called the authorities and vouched for her, with the comment that these people are here to work, not meet family. Of course that implicitly applied to me to, but I was worth money to little shit and he was worth more, money, than me, so we just carried on and a few more Sri Lankans hated Saudis too, not that it made much difference to anything.

Plenty more stories where that came from…..

Indians and Sri Lankans are treated like absolute shit in SA, often trying to find a better life.

NONE of this makes it to the liberal press in India.