
Friday Afternoon Open

Charles Johnson2/06/2009 8:40:53 pm PST

re: #1114 Cato

Charles you now have my email address. You can look me up on the internet in both my law firm and private equity group. With a name like that and an academic record like mine, do you really think I’m a creationist? Moreover, if you send me your address, I will have Amazon send you a copy of David Stove’s book, “Darwinian Fairytales”. Read it and tell me it doesn’t cause you to rethink your beliefs.

David Stove? Ooohhkay. Believe it or not, I’m familiar with David Stove’s work. Oddly enough, he’s a favorite of the intelligent design crowd, and has no credibility whatsoever as a critic of evolution. He’s a philosopher — and regarded as an outlier and a renegade even in that discipline, completely unqualified to render scientific opinions.

Your claims not to be a creationist are not smelling any better by recommending “Darwinian Fairytales.”