
President Obama Denounces Torture, Right Wingers Go Loony Tunes

Scottish Dragon8/01/2014 3:07:04 pm PDT

re: #93 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Source for this incredible claim?

If the altruistic behavior was large scale, you arguably would not have the social breakdown in the first place. If you are stuck in a civil war or mass calimity, your social and survival network tend to break down to a very few friends and your extended family. If you are scrounging for food to feed your infant, you aren’t handing out extras to your neighbors…you might hand out some food to your brother’s family, though. Human tribal and family structures evolved for a reason.

Except for all the counterexamples.

Which do nothing at all to dispute his overall point beyond acknowedging that some individuals are nicer then others.

Hobbes does not spend a lot of time, actually, on why various states go to war with each other, either,

No, he doesn’t. He spends quite a bit of time explaining why the sovereign or Prince (IE Leviathan) is needed to restrain human iniquity and our base passions. He cannot quite account for what to do when the Prince goes off the rails, however, although he does posit that a social contract between the ruler and the nation is established and can, in fact, be broken by misdeeds of the Prince. This is important, since it forms part of our own basis for the Revolution.