
And Now, Something Amazing: Wintergatan - Marble Machine

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/06/2016 6:38:06 am PST

re: #111 HappyWarrior

It’s a big problem for Bernie that he is struggling big time with minority voters. It really. Almost to a tee though and without the vote, I’m part of Bernie’s coalition. I’m 28, male, white, and self identify as liberal. Unfortunately we’re not a reliable bloc. The reason why you cannot compare Bernie-16 to Obama-08 is that Obama was building a much broader coalition. Now the diehards can bitch all they want but African Americans, Hispanics, and others aren’t buying Bernie’s message and prefer Clinton’s and I’m sick of the patronizing and in some cases even racist bullshit from them.

I’m liberal, and I don’t buy Bernie’s message. I’d love it if his vision of the future came to pass, but the tax requirements alone are a non-starter. I’m in a different age group than his main supporters seem to be, though.