
Sherrod Will Sue Breitbart

garhighway7/29/2010 10:26:35 am PDT

re: #104 darthstar

It won’t happen until after the elections. So far, Sherrod has only announced her intent too sue. Discovery will come in 2011 at the soonest. The sabre-rattling will continue, of course, because everyone loves controversy.

Vilsack already said the WH wasn’t involved. He can testify, fall on his sword, or not, and the predictable Fox & Friends “What did the White House know, and when did they know it?” narrative will play to the knuckle-draggers who watch that show.

Certainly, if she doesn’t file, there’s nothing that is going to happen. But if, hypothetically, she filed today, and further if BB has a politically-oriented defense team (which I would expect), then I would expect them to start noticing up depositions immediately. That would force all kinds of reactions, which could include gov’t lawyers trying to derail that process (bad optics), Sherrod’s lawyers trying to do the same (bad optics again) or letting them go forward.

Normal trial process and strategy go out the window in a case like this, IF the defendant cares more about the theater than the case.