
Onion: New Law Requires Women To Name Baby, Paint Nursery Before Getting Abortion

What, me worry?1/15/2010 8:47:42 pm PST

re: #82 Escaped Hillbilly

Ok, but I didn’t say any of what you seem to think I said. I said it isn’t fair to dismiss people who feel that children/fetuses/human life should be protected and that death occurs when an abortion is performed don’t have to get an abortion. That silly dismissal misses the point. They want to protect human life. If you feel the fetus is a human life needing protecting, it does not make sense to say “only mine” obviously, they want to save all babies. PS I am prochoice. I never said pro choice was anti life. You are trying to pull the old “if you not with me, or agin me” crap. And your last 2 sentences make no sense in context. If I knew what exactly you were trying to say and I would happily reply.

I wasn’t dissing them. If they don’t agree with abortions, then they shouldn’t have one. They don’t have a right to tell anyone else what to do with their unborn children. Especially when many of them don’t want to take care of welfare mothers either.

Women will continue to have abortions whether they’re legal or not. In countries where abortion is legal, it just so happens that there are fewer cases.

Here’s a study conducted fairly recently (2007). It’s a whole bunch to read, but near the end is this.

In developed countries where contraception is accepted socially and family planning services are generally available, the abortion rate ranges from about seven to 20 per 1,000 women. In some subpopulations, the rate has been as low as 3–4 per 1,000, as among the Dutch-born population of the Netherlands in the recent past.56 Evidence suggests, however, that unwanted pregnancies and induced abortions occur to some degree in every society, for a number of reasons—contraceptive methods fail on occasion, couples do not always use their methods correctly or consistently, some women have partners who oppose contraceptive use, some become pregnant as a result of coerced sex and some seek abortion for health reasons or because of changes in their circumstances.