
Overnight Open Thread

SFGoth6/28/2009 1:13:09 am PDT

re: #115 eddiespaghetti

I hope so my friend, it didn’t take a rocket surgeon to see this one coming. Hopey fucking changey was a result of Bush-fatigue, war fatigue, plus a republican party that was no more fiscally responsible than a bunch of drunken sailors (and I know that type). Plus 0 vetos from a “compassionate conservative” who gave us Medicare part D. What an asshole. That got us a long way.

Don’t get me wrong, he was so right on “overseas contingency operations”, but a fuck-wit domestically. We are dealing with the pendulum, and its a mother-fer right now. God help us if we don’t defeat socialized medicine…

May the next member of the Bush family who runs for president be struck dumb. We now have enough kinder, gentler compassion to last us through two cycles of communism.