
Overnight Open Thread

RogueOne6/24/2011 4:29:56 am PDT

Chicago police chief has his history exactly backwards:

Emanuel police chief blasts NRA, Palin on ‘government-sponsored racism’

Chicago Police Chief Garry McCarthy told parishoners at Saint Sabina Church earlier this month that the easy availability of guns in the United States is the extension of a tradition of “government-sponsored racism” that began with slavery and Jim Crow.

“This is sensitive. You know, because everybody’s afraid of race. Have you noticed that? Everybody’s afraid of race,” McCarthy, a former New York and Newark police official said. “So here’s what I want to tell you. See, let’s see if we can make a connection here. Slavery. Segregation. Black codes. Jim Crow. What, what did they all have in common? Anybody getting’ scared? Government sponsored racism.”

He’s obviously oblivious to the fact that souther blacks used the 2nd amendment to protect themselves and gun control laws were used to take that right away from urban blacks. Moron.

Someone in Chicago needs to send him a book: