
Overnight Video: The Killing Joke

Cannadian Club Akbar9/18/2011 4:21:55 am PDT

re: #110 Obdicut

I grind my own meat. Beef, well-stripped of fat, is still pretty calorific but it’s so flavorful that that’s really okay.

I do highly suggest grinding your own meat, since it cuts the risk of bacterial contamination down by a factor of about a hundred.

And it tastes better. Use a strip of bacon per pound of well-cleaned beef to restore the fat, and you’ll have a damn delicious burger.

If you look at food borne illness breakouts, it usually with burger meat or beef sausage. The bacteria will grown on the outside of the muscle which can be killed with cooking. But when you mix it all up and don’t cook to well done, all bets are off. And Mad Cow, well, we’re just fucked. Can’t kill it.