
New From Keith Olbermann: The Enormous Cost of Trump's War on Immigrants

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/15/2017 7:07:53 pm PST

re: #91 Myron Falwell

If anything, it is a miracle that we haven’t collapsed in outright revolution since the founding (Civil War notwithstanding).

We were edging toward some kind of revolt during the Great Depression. Had FDR not taken his quick, decisive actions to ameliorate poverty and unemployment, there could have been serious trouble. Governments with large masses of hungry, unemployed people don’t typically last very long. China today knows this. As long as its economy provides people jobs and enough money to live comfortably, the Party does not need to worry about mass protests or insurrections, especially as it is very deft at putting down anything remotely challenging the Party’s authority.