
Charles Darwin's Sacred Cause

mean Gene2/01/2009 9:10:02 pm PST

Late to the party, I know.
BUT seriously?
Darwin was not an objective observation-based researcher but rather an agenda-based propagandizer?

Adrian Desmond and James Moore……..set out to overturn the widespread view that Darwin was a “tough-minded scientist” who unflinchingly followed the trail of empirical research until it led to the stunning and unavoidable theory of evolution. This narrative, they claim, is precisely backward. “Darwin’s starting point,” they write, “was the abolitionist belief in blood kinship, a ‘common descent’ ” of all human beings.

It is scientific method to

1. Define the question
2. Gather information and resources (observe)
3. Form hypothesis
4. Perform experiment and collect data
5. Analyze data
6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis
7. Publish results
8. Retest (frequently done by other scientists)


But Darwin did the opposite.
He had a conclusion (slavery is bad) and he created the structure of evolution with ”findings” he choose to back up his conclusion that slavery is bad.
IF his bias had been racist instead no doubt he could/would have skewed his ”findings” to back up that conclusion.
So, I do not see why this is good news.
It makes evolution look worse than it ever did.
It makes Darwin’s theory fit the paradigm of unprincipled people, like the Nazi’s, who will cast about for proofs that they are in the right from any and every source imaginable at the time.
Gee, I hope all of this has already been addressed.
I’ve been watching a ball game (every year, one game).
I have 100% of the time (over 40 years) picked the losing team to root for, too.