
Turek: We don't want a theocracy, we just want Christianity to be the law

RogueOne9/24/2011 8:19:43 am PDT

re: #11 Obdicut

I’m not a complete anarchist but I do have some of those tendencies. I don’t believe that I have the right to enforce my views on what is proper behavior on others, that isn’t anarchist.

Going beyond my belief that people are entitled to be as ignorant/bigoted as they please let me ask you this, would you want to rent an apartment from a person who hated jews but had to keep his mouth shut or would you rather rent from someone you knew didn’t care about your religion/race? The law doesn’t stop people from believing what they want, it only stops them from letting those views be known. I’d rather know going in what those views were so I knew if it was someone I wanted to associate with.

I had a customer who didn’t like black people and I knew it because he asked that I not send “that black welder” out anymore. Guess which customer I no longer have? He’d rather have a white guy and I’d rather not have a blatant bigot for a customer. It’s not up to the law to decide who is right and who is wrong, it’s up to me.