
PAC Formed to Promote Passage of Equal Rights Amendment

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)5/07/2012 11:52:36 am PDT

re: #7 Simply Sarah

Are they referring to passing a new version of the ERA or attempting to finalize ratification of the one Congress passed in 1972? I poked around a bit, but I couldn’t find anything clearly stating one way or another. If the latter, I have some major concerns because that would lead to a legal and Constitutional mess with a strong possibility of either the whole thing being struck down by the Supreme Court or some rather dangerous precedents being set.

If it means a new version, I can certainly get behind that, but I would want expanded language to cover additional groups. While I know that might not fly politically, I don’t like the idea of enumerating this kind of thing and not covering all of your bases, since I fear that could further weaken the broader interpretation of the 14th Amendment.

Unless the old version had specific expiration verbage in it then it would still be the one to approve. I commented the other day on finding out there was a 27th Amendment to the Constitution, and it took a few hundred years to get sufficient state approval.