
Overnight Open Thread

Gus12/26/2011 9:05:06 am PST

More Press TV hackery.

‘Fundraisers bribe Obama for favors’

In a Sunday interview with Press TV, Ian Williams of the Foreign Policy in Focus in New York said such groups provide Obama’s campaign with cash as they expect favors back from his office…

And quickly to the comments:

Tony Silver - Kopenhagen
Dec 26, 2011 1:28 PM
‘Fundraisers bribe Obama for favors’? 90[[]%] of fundraisers are jews of America.

America; Obama is the Uncle Tom of Israel
Dec 26, 2011 9:14 AM
Ask, why less than 1[[]%] of pop. -Zionists (neocons)-are controlling the entire US Media -Print, Radio, TV, Hollywood- Privately Owned Federal Reserve, all major Int. Banks, most WH sensitive positions to President. Zionists AIPAC control every US Senator and Reps. US gives $6 Bi to Israel yearly. It is like 300 million other Non-Zionist Americans (The 99 Percent) do not have any talent what so ever. Zionism is a Cult not a Religion, Moses was not a Zionist, he was a Jew. See…