
Fox News Commenters Spew Racial Slurs at President Obama (Again)

Lidane11/17/2011 2:48:26 pm PST

re: #102 HappyWarrior

I have to say as a liberal, while I disagree with what most of Antonin Scalia stands for, I respect that he’s a student of the law who has real passion for it.

Scalia’s opinion in the California video game case was at least cogent and well written. I liked reading it, even though he’s someone I strongly disagree with most of the time.

Alito’s concurrence was silly in its reasoning, but not intolerable to read.

Thomas was lazy in his dissent and utter shit in his writing and reasoning. And Breyer’s dissent was an exercise in confusing correlation and causation. Plus, Breyer pulled a pathetic college student move and padded his dissent with a 15 page bibliography of articles that was entirely pointless. Pfft.