
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

gaw11/02/2009 12:10:25 am PST

re: #99 iceweasel

People objected to what they (we) felt was a mischaracterisation of the site and the views held by people here, […] an aggressive embrace of the virtue of sanity.

If you say so. However, I guess since I’m “batshit crazy” I must not have that virtue. I’m just an ignorant right winger, but would that qualify as ad hominem?

re: #102 Dark_Falcon

Moderate does not equal socially liberal. Oten it means people who do not want the government invovled in social issues or those who don’t want to fight the Culture Wars.

Fair enough, but in general when one speaks of a “moderate repub” they are referring to one with liberal views on social issues, not fiscal or defense policy.

re: #103 keithgabryelski

I saw little bit of ridicule sent your direction about inactivity on your site, but I haven’t seen anyone try to stifle your comments.

Actually, I was being ridiculed for my lack of activity at this site, not my own. Granted, though, content of my site has certainly been up for discussion.

Present some evidence your comments are being suppressed.

They aren’t I didn’t say they were.

Present some evidence you are being purged from this site.

Several references to my longevity here being brief, implying that I would be blocked as a troll.

Present some evidence Scozzofava is a Democrat.

DIABLO- Democrat In All But Label Only. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and votes like a duck, and endorses other ducks, why would you insist on calling it an elephant?

re: #104 talon_262

What in the world makes you and other SoCons the arbiter of moral and correct behavior? It sure isn’t G-d…

Actually I would claim that G-d IS the Arbiter, and Christ will be the final Judge. Once again, a minority view here, and probably one that will get more grief.

I cannot speak for all other SoCons, but I think a lot of them would agree with that statement.