
Louisiana Reaps What It Sowed

ziggyelman2/14/2009 2:18:12 pm PST

I see the SICB thinks Global warming talk is being suppressed as well….

Resolution on Evolution and Climate Change

Recognizing that science is under attack in the U.S. as evidenced by the wide-spread disregard for the scientific process and the suppression and distortion of scientific data across a broad spectrum of areas in which we, as biologists, have special expertise, be it resolved that the SICB take a public stand in support of scientific truth, especially:

1. in support of the teaching of evolution as a scientific fact, and under the name of “evolution;”
2. in support of efforts to publicize broadly the impacts of the suppression of scientific evidence on societal concerns such as global climate change, environmental conservation and stem-cell research; and
3. to authorize the SICB Executive Committee to issue press releases and editorials, initiate and publish statements, and sign collective statements consistent with (1) and (2) above.

(Approved 5 Jan 2008)