
New Obama TV Ad: Collapse - "Wrong Then, Dishonest Now"

Charles Johnson10/29/2012 4:16:59 pm PDT

re: #114 Joanne

If Mitt Romney’s “idea” (I hate to dignify it by the word - it’s really a kind of right wing fever dream) of having the auto industry go bankrupt with no governmental assistance had been allowed to happen, the chances are extremely good that there would be no US auto industry to speak of right now.

That’s the crucial difference between what Obama did and what Romney wanted to do.

With the economy collapsing, there was no private sector financing available on the scale needed to carry the auto industry. If Romney had his way, it would have been a disaster.

Politifact is full of shit on this one, again. It was not “mostly false,” it’s a correct thing to say that Romney would have let the auto industry fail, not just go bankrupt.