
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Charles Johnson4/29/2009 12:44:08 pm PDT

re: #105 looking closely

On the last thing, in general, its very easy to say that thousands of peer-reviewed studies are wrong, because empirically, there are thousands of them that come to opposite conclusions about all sorts of things.

Again, emprically, there HAVE TO be thousands of scientists who are wrong about all sorts of things. That’s what science is all about.

It’s not just peer review, although that is a very effective way of screening for mistakes, incorrect assumptions, or other problems in scientific studies. When an important study is published and peer reviewed, other scientists will then undertake their own studies, trying to duplicate the results, often using different methodologies and approaches.

The results of studies on CO2 and climate change have been repeated by many different researchers in many different places. I’ve been reading a lot on this subject recently, and I can no longer simply deny there’s anything to it — as far too many Republicans are doing.

There’s still a debate, yes, but I’m seeing way too much blanket denial and way too little respect for the scientific method on the right.