
Overnight Open Thread

avspatti3/10/2009 9:32:25 pm PDT

re: #1237 Naso Tang

Actually my relative was attending a Congregational church when she had her painful experiences. Also, I don’t really care about posting the Ten Commandments everywhere either. I was referring to the fact that in many classrooms, Christians are not allowed to speak freely of their beliefs while all others are. It seems in those situations (and I have personally witnessed them), free speech is not ok for Christians. Ridicule is often used instead of discussion. Many professors shut the Christian students down and hold the power of grades over those with whom they disagree. This is not an isolated event as I am sure others will attest to. My point is that the rules are not evenhanded. Just because a Christian expresses his/her ideas does not mean he/she is trying to force others to follow along. Calm persuasive speech is one thing; irrational yelling and force is quite another. In the marketplace of ideas, discussion is key, is it not? As an educator, I am disturbed by the above trend.