
Video: Page 23

Wozza Matter?10/06/2011 7:35:05 pm PDT

re: #99 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You’ll disagree with this, and that’s okay. (I’m sure you appreciate my permission)

A company should try to make as much money as possible while obeying the law. It, by definition, is what a company is created to do.

A company is not created to be accountable to you, or society. It is accountable to its owners and stockholders.

Companies that are “socially responsible”, by and large think they will (in the long run) make more money by building good will.

Steve Jobs and Apple changed the world, made a butt-load of money, created millionaires, and basically used slave labor in China. I haven’t heard people bitching about that because the Apple doo-dads are cool.

That’s okay too.

(before i turn off the light)

It’s a discussion reasonable people can have. We are reasonable people.

I contend that it is not an extreme position in an age of Corporate PersonHood that companies take on more of the responsibilities attached to being a member of society that is at present bending over backwards to protect their rights to exclude Unions and dismantle mandatory EPA protections. Not I contend unreasonable.
Were they to be freed of Personhood (a kind of society wide Euthanasia, if you will) then a plank of my argument disappears.