
Video: Television

What, me worry?5/05/2010 2:09:30 pm PDT

re: #10 JoyousMN

Wow, very good.

In 1999 we moved out to the country. To get more than 5 channels we would have to buy a satellite dish. I told my husband I’d like to try and live without it and that’s what we’ve done. I watch football on regular channels or streaming, I get my news via internet, but I don’t watch much TV and I don’t really miss it. When I go to people’s houses and it’s on, it is weirdly distracting.

Not trying to sound “holier than thou,” just mentioning that it can go away and not be missed.

I didn’t have a TV for about 5 years. It was during my hippie era. Didn’t miss it until someone saw me eating grapes at work and screamed, “Didn’t you hear about the Chilean grape recall??” No, I hadn’t. Oops.