
The Obligatory iPhone 4 Review

TedStriker8/06/2010 5:39:16 pm PDT

re: #7 Charles

Yeah, that was a bit tone-deaf. But Apple’s right that all phones have these kinds of weak points in their design. I don’t see it as a deal-breaker, myself, considering everything else that is pure awesome about this gadget.

As nice as the iPhones are and have been, I could never subscribe to Steve Jobs’ vision of total vertical control over the hardware and software (the infamous “Apple walled garden”). From my car to my computers to my phone, I want as much control as is safely and technically possible to do what I want with it…it’s pretty simple, because I paid for the stuff.

That said, I’m a WinMo man (currently have the HTC/AT&T Tilt 2), but Android is grabbing more of my attention nowadays. The Samsung Capitvate is an Android phone that I’m drooling over…definitely on my want list.