
Video: Trump Prison Fears Mount as Judge Says He'll Be Treated Like Any 'Criminal Defendant'

ericblair8/12/2023 2:12:42 am PDT

re: #129 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Americans still want huge vehicles that gobble up gasoline. At least in large enough numbers that makers present monsters as their latest and greatest.

That’s the problem: there is a subset of Americans who will pay a ridiculous premium for huge pickemup trucks and SUVs, and manufacturers are therefore going where the profit is because duh. I’m a big fan of the F150 Lightning even though I’d never buy one, since it would be replacing a huge gas-guzzler with a huge non-gas-guzzler at least.

I think someone here posted the graphic showing that some of the popular trucks and SUVs had worse front sightlines than an M1 Abrams main battle tank. Unreal.