
Strange Tales #143, March 1966

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]10/23/2010 4:06:10 pm PDT

re: #126 Gus 802

They did? Looks, the reality is that Wikileaks is a WASP run organization so they’re going to be limited to Western information.

well, yeah, sure!

But the conversation seems to be heading towards Wikileaks being some evil threat to to the Republic when I’m sure if they got their hands on some juicy concrete stuff from anywhere in the world, they’d post it. Wikileaks is more like a force of nature than a political entity, there’s always going to be anti-secrecy activists on the internet, if they manage to take Assauge down with some childsecks charge or whatever they’re hitting him with this week, another site in some corner of the world will pop up doing the same thing.

Isohunt got shut down, everyone moved to other torrent trackers, it’s the way of the internet