
Overnight Open Thread

RogueOne6/24/2011 4:56:20 am PDT

More on that arrest the other day of the 2 reporters at a public meeting in DC:

Why I Was Arrested Yesterday at a D.C. Taxi Commission Meeting

On June 22, 2011, I attended a meeting of the D.C. Taxi Commission for a story I’m currently working on about a proposed medallion system in the district.

About 30 minutes into the meeting, I witnessed journalist Pete Tucker snap a still photo of the proceedings on his camera phone. A few minutes later, two police officers arrested Tucker. I filmed Tucker’s arrest and the audience’s subsequent outrage using my cell phone.

A few minutes later, as I was attempting to leave the building, I overheard the female officer who had arrested Tucker promise a woman, who I presumed to be an employee of the Taxi Commission, that she would confiscate my phone. Reason intern Kyle Blaine, overheard her say, “Do you want his phone? I can get his phone.”

Check out the video. The guy gets seriously sad when they put the cuffs on him. It’s not funny, I find it infuriating, but I did chuckle at his expression:

Youtube Video