
Video: Palin's Anti-Science Word Salad

NJDhockeyfan4/10/2010 12:00:30 pm PDT

re: #93 Sigma_x

I’m not totally disagreeing with you. However, please provide me with one example of Democrats being “as despicable when Bush was President.”

That’s easy to say. It’s something else entirely to actually back it up with facts.

How about Jimmy Carter D-scum) undermining the United States by personally making back room deals with totalitarian regimes (including Cuba, Egypt, and Pakistan) at the UN?

President Carter personally called Secretary of State Rice to try to convince her to reverse her U.N. ambassador’s position on changes to the U.N. Human Rights Commission, the former president recalled yesterday in a talk in which he also criticized President Bush’s Christian bona fides and misstated past American policies on Israel.

Mr. Carter said he made a personal promise to ambassadors from Egypt, Pakistan, and Cuba on the U.N. change issue that was undermined by America’s ambassador, John Bolton. “My hope is that when the vote is taken,” he told the Council on Foreign Relations, “the other members will outvote the United States.”

While other former presidents have tried to refrain from attacking the sitting chief executive, Mr. Carter’s attacks on President Bush have increased. The episode he recounted yesterday showed how he tried to undermine officials at lower levels in an effort to influence policy.