
Open Thread, w/ Message to Haters

ClaudeMonet1/23/2011 11:46:33 am PST

re: #124 BigPapa

Making a boatload of money should be virtue, at least I thought it was to capitalists. I don’t see anything wrong with it in that sense. To make it a negative there has to be an implication that it’s done by nefarious means.

I fully hope to make a boatload of $ ‘doing something’ about AGW: installing energy monitoring systems and technologies. There is nothing wrong with making money fighting AGW, unless you’re Al Gore.

I rejected AGW for an extended period of time because of my distaste for Al Gore’s style and method, but is he to blame for my rejection of AGW, or me?

Whether justified or not, Gore’s cashing in did reek of “create a need, then fill it”, not all that dissimilar from creating a war atmosphere in order to have a reason to go to war, or telling people they are in danger of succumbing to “The Devil” in order to get donations.

And, I hope you make a lot of money “doing something”. I love capitalism, even if I have no skill at it. Make money doing hands-on work in a good cause? Very cool.

You overcame your aversion to the lecturer and were smart enough to be able to work it out for yourself. Most people can’t get past their initial distaste.