
Not a Good Day for the GOP

Wozza Matter?10/20/2009 5:24:43 pm PDT

re: #132 ronnie

someone asked me on another thread the other day who the GOP should be pushing as strong independent “non-total-package” conservatives… i forgot Ms Mccain.
I have the utmost respect for her.

After Giuliani’s total failure to Campaign at all last time out - until his defeatist rally in Florida - i don’t think he will even get traction with GOP moderates next time around. BUT - i was suprised that Mccain got the nomination last time. So whadda i know?

The election is Obama’s to lose - not the GOP’s to win at this point still - if Obama puls off his election promises and gets the base re-energised he will be almost impossible to stop.
Unless the GOP can gain traction with independents - who want significant healthcare reform - they will be Stymied.