
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

bj1/03/2010 10:49:58 am PST

re: #122 albusteve

good point, but that does not defend the context and meaning of the picture, which is clearly racist…in view of stuff that preceded it, like the Condi Rice pictures, how can it be otherwise?…however important or how much attention it gets is not the point…why else would somebody shop this pic and post it?…there is brazen racism in the air and this pic is part of it

Because there are people who see that sort of thing as racist while there are others of us, possibly those who experienced it, don’t see it as “racist” - that is such an over used phrase these days. The intent of the pic is to demean a human being. It succeeded and that is what I see, not skin color .. maybe because in my background, my family and I did mean jobs, were treated as “2d class” (gassed, shot, hung, starved, raped, mutilated no less) and, as a result, I tend to see human beings rather than color or class or whatever man chooses to make differences between us.