
Overnight Open Thread

ausador1/20/2010 12:20:47 am PST

The question remains, what has Obama delivered? So far a whole lot of nothing, not health reform, not addressing trade, not rescinding DADT, not repeal of DOMA, not saner financial industry oversight, not really anything that he promised or at least hinted at.

With overwhelming majorities in both the House and the Senate and a year in office, still nothing. His “leadership” style consists of telling Congress “here is what I want to happen, now you guys figure out how to make it work” and then abandoning the entire process. Even Bush wasn’t that ignorant (or arrogant?) he at least had his people pushing his agenda in lockstep on the Hill.

I see him as not wanting to spend any of his political clout on the Hill pushing a particular bill and being beaten. Unfortunately it has resulted in him not passing anything because he was afraid to push anything. Same result in the end, just a slower method.

His Cred has dropped to near zero in my book, he talks a good game but in reality he just isn’t as competent as we all wish he was. Perhaps I’m naturally biased because I didn’t want him in the office to start with but I really feel as though I have given him every chance to live up to his rhetoric.

He is a one term ex-Senator who just doesn’t seem to know how to push an agenda thru Congress. Maybe I should be grateful for that considering what some of the bills turned over to the likes of Barney Frank and Harry Reid to figure out for him have ended up like.

The man desperately needs to wake up and get some better advisers, another six months of this and the tea-party crazies will be taking a lot of seats after mid-terms, and I don’t want that to happen either.