
Overnight Open Thread

CIA Reject6/16/2009 9:22:23 am PDT

re: #1321 lawhawk

For someone who supposedly is a genius and a public speaker, his comments are labored and insufficient for the task.

Obama can and should be pressing on the points of liberty and freedom and the respect for human rights, and that the Iranian people demand and deserve as much.

That, in a nutshell is what he should have said. It’s what President Reagan or President Bush (both) would have said.

It’s the right - morally and ethically - thing to do, and it doesn’t interfere with the inner workings of the regime because it fires back at the regime’s claims of free and fair elections.

I agree completely, liberty and respect for human rights is what BO should have spoken about- the reason why he didn’t is that HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THOSE THINGS!

And still he managed to be elected POTUS.

Behold the power of mass marketing and lousy education…