
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

What, me worry?1/03/2010 10:52:37 am PST

re: #133 bj

Because there are people who see that sort of thing as racist while there are others of us, possibly those who experienced it, don’t see it as “racist” - that is such an over used phrase these days. The intent of the pic is to demean a human being. It succeeded and that is what I see, not skin color .. maybe because in my background, my family and I did mean jobs, were treated as “2d class” (gassed, shot, hung, starved, raped, mutilated no less) and, as a result, I tend to see human beings rather than color or class or whatever man chooses to make differences between us.

So because I have a Black friend who cleans people’s houses, I shouldn’t find any offense at Condi being pictured as Aunt Jemima? You think Dr. Rice was proud of that caricature? You think Obama is proud of this one?