
Charles Darwin's Sacred Cause

Aye Pod2/02/2009 2:21:31 pm PST

re: #1352 medaura18586

All so-called Libertarians who are jumping the SoCon wagon are self-selecting out of the ranks of intellectual sanity, and they all have one thing in common: they are not genuine Classical Liberals, but rather infantile libertine anarchists plagued by emotional problems with authority. The prospect they all really cream themselves over is the dissolution of the Union and the establishment of sectarian compounds (mini-states) where “everything goes”: their hearts bleed over the extreme rights of “states” over the rights of the individual. Some version of radical micro-scale collectivism is glorified in their intellectual circles. And look at the Libertarian Party now… the fringe of the fringes.

I think that’s the best short explanation of the Ron Paul phenomenon I’ve seen. All these seemingly random nutjobs wanted was a smaller pond to throw their weight around in. Their idea of utopia must be like the small town America of horror movies where visitors best watch out for the locals and their unusual ‘ways’.