
The 2008 Pigasus Awards

goddessoftheclassroom4/03/2009 2:50:32 pm PDT

I’ve been waiting to get to 100 comments so that I could tell y’all this.

I made up this grammar activity for my students. They have to analyze the first verse of the National Anthem, basically diagramming it and applying ALL the grammar skills I’ve taught and reviewed with them this year. They have had to read it very carefully, and they so have have learned:

1. That the first word is “O,” not “Oh,” and that there is an important difference between the two.
2. The first verse has question marks because the speaker is asking a question (and it’s not rhetorical because the word “Say” follows “O.”—the speaker wants an answer).
3. Possessive nouns function as adjectives.

I’m loving this.