
Dave Weigel Digs Through LGF's Archives Looking for Dirt

Kragar4/27/2009 3:38:14 pm PDT

re: #113 Russkilitlover

Oh. Well when I cook chicken breast, I brown all sides in a little oil. Remove chicken to a platter and them make your sauce. Pour sauce over chicken and finish in the oven. Comes out very moist and tasty. You can always remove the skin prior to eating, but fat adds flavor and sometimes you can get those skinless breasts and they just taste like dust.

Thats why I’ve given them since last nite to marinade, plus I poked holes and flipped them a few times so hoping they’re nicely basted. I’m going to use olive oil to grease the skillet up to a medium heat to get them started, then slice them into strips and reduce the heat. Once those get close to being done, I’ll pour the marinade over them and let it render down some.