
Overnight Open Thread

CapeCoddah1/16/2010 7:40:33 am PST

re: #128 SixDegrees

I assure the mood of the voter is so fed up here, that that will not be tolerated. This race has, in essence become a national election,and the pressure brought to bear on Galvin and Patrick here will get things moving. They have changed election law here twice to suit the needs of the openly corrupt democratic machine here, we have elected officials here dropping like flies to federal indictments on corruption charges, 3 house speakers in a row, in fact, are convicted felons, and the fourth has been indicted. We have had state senators arrested for sexual offenses, drunken driving hit and run, corruption, our governor is a shady back roomer putting every crony he can find in min 100k plum state jobs, and on and on. I can tell you, working the phones on the Brown campaign, that he is up WAY more than 4 points if what I am hearing myself from voter cold calls is true.
We will not stand for it.