
Overnight Open Thread

zombie8/14/2009 2:03:37 am PDT

re: #133 ludwigvanquixote

Also the answer about things staying distinct (under every day how am I not part of the floor sense) is that atoms have electron clouds around them and electrons repel each other through the electromagnetic force.

The electron clouds in your feet push away from the electron clouds in the floor.

But see my answer above at #123:

Right — which means that what appears on our human scale to be purely mechanical, physical “jumping” is actually me pressing my electron field more firmly on the the dirt-molecules electron fleld, and then I am propelled upward not by mechanical action but rather by electromagnetic repulsion. See what I mean?

This is a good example of wbat I was talking about when I say that at finer levels of resolution, the old paradigms don’t exactly explain any more what is happening.

(It’s easy and interesting to talk about physics and math on these sort of rudimentary childish levels — but the moment someone introduces one number, variable or mathematical symbol, I run away screaming.)