
Reuters: Cropping of Photos Was 'Inadvertent'

Charles Johnson6/07/2010 11:04:01 pm PDT

Am I imagining things, or did LGF break a story about Reuters cropping photographs yesterday? Didn’t Killgore Trout find the first photo and tip me off? Wasn’t LGF the first to publish this? And haven’t we been credited by both Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post?

What? We did?

Then can someone explain how you can have the colossal fucking gall to write about this story and give all the credit to other people? What kind of value system makes Allahpundit think that’s a moral way to behave?

This is probably the single most rotten thing these creeps have done yet, in a long list. It’s vindictive, immoral, and unprofessional. And yes, I’m pissed off. This is theft of intellectual property.