
Louisiana Reaps What It Sowed

HoosierHoops2/14/2009 2:22:25 pm PST

re: #130

pp 3 - 153 are recipe pages. Some pages have 2, sometimes one recipe took 2 pages. But there are probably right about 150 recipes.

pp 157 - 172 contain the ROFLMAO section, includes selected quotes on various topics like, what goes on at a lizard meeting, Obama-Pelosi-and the Dems, sometimes we have transatlantic spelling wars, someone’s ready for the boob thread, the LGF guide to personal hygiene, general posting etiquette, A Buzzsawmonkey Moment, conspiracy theories, How a Lady Fills her Gas Tank by Mandy Manners, Very Punny Stuff, and a couple of others.

There are also some blank pages so you can write or print & paste things you want to keep.

Awesome Reine you rock!